All sales are final.Ā Please carefully review your order and verify your information prior to finalizing your purchase.Ā There will be no returns or exchanges unless theĀ itemĀ is defective.

To be eligible for a refund or exchange, you must first email us within 7 days of receiving the products at with pictures of the damaged items. The item must be returned to us within 14 days of receiving it.

Returns must be in original conditions, meaning items should not have been used, applied or tampered with. Upon the receipt of the damaged item, and once approved, we will ship out a replacement, if available. If a replacement is not available, we will offerĀ refund of the purchase price or a credit note with 110% of the purchase price of your item.

You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item, and you must use a courier service which can provide tracking information to us. Shipping costs are non-refundable.


iternite is not responsible for lost or stolen packages confirmed to be delivered to the address entered for an order. Upon inquiry,Ā iternite will confirm the delivery to the address provided, date of delivery, tracking information, and shipping carrier information for the customer to investigate.



You agree to pay the price for the merchandise in your order at the time you submitted your order and the delivery fees for the shipping service you select.Ā 

We reserve the right to accept, decline or cancel your order for any reason.



All orders will be dispatched within 3 business days (most orders are dispatched same day). In peak periods please allow for up to 5 business days for dispatch.

ShippingĀ estimates from 3 - 5 weeks after orders have been dispatched, These are standard postage rates & estimates of International Shipping from Australia.

Shipping domestically (Australia)Ā estimatesĀ for 1 - 2 weeks after orders have been dispacthed.

Please triple check your personal details upon checking out as all sales are final we cannot do much about merchandise that has been sent to the wrong address!

Orders can be subjected to customs/duties fees or tax within your local country/state. This isĀ the customer's responsibility to resolve/pay.
